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Discover Chinese Mail Order Brides and Find a Wife from China

Today’s Chinese women are nothing like the traditional picture most Westerners have in their heads. And Chinese brides in those days went home with their husbands, stayed there, cooked, cleaned, and raised the children. Today, a Chinese bride is a full and equal partner in a marriage, has adopted many Western ideas, and is far more worldly than her predecessors. And that is precisely why she and many of her peers become Chinese mail order brides, looking to marry Western men, especially Americans.

American men who are lucky enough to find and marry Chinese mail order wives are in for a partnership with a beautiful, intelligent, capable, dedicated, and loyal wife. We’re here with this guide to show you just how to accomplish this along with finding and meeting Chinese brides online on top 5 sites recommended by our experts: SakuraDate, AsianFeels, EasternHoneys, OrchidRomance and LoverWhirl.

Chinese bride photo

Amanda, 21

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Lin, 28

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Qianqian, 22

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Sansa, 22

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Xioayu Niu, 34

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Yalan, 46

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Marriages with Chinese Brides – A Few Facts

In general, modern Chinese women are quite liberated, and it shows in these few facts about them.

  • They are marrying at a much later age than in prior decades. Today, the average age for marriage is now 27+ years. Why? Because they are far more focused on education and careers.
  • Of the world’s 67 female billionaires, 33 are Chinese (can we say TikTok)?
  • The divorce rate in China is among the top 10 in the world, certainly higher than that in the U.S. It is currently 3.2 per every 1,000 marriages. Most researchers agree that this high rate is due to the fact that Chinese ladies are no longer willing to be subservient to domineering husbands and succumb to societal and governmental pressure to conform to more traditional roles. The birth rate in China is declining, and this is of concern.

While these facts don’t tell the whole story by a long shot, it is easy to understand why so many women seek to become Chinese mail order brides. They are looking for a more liberated lifestyle and a more progressive marriage.

So, if you are thinking that Chinese brides may be a good choice for marriage, you are probably right.

Chinese mail order bride photo

Why Chinese Brides for Marriage are Worth a Shot

Lots of men have known Chinese women who already live in America. They may have met a few in college, at work, or in their neighborhoods. If they have gotten to know them well, they have realized that they are a complex combination of personality traits that make them interesting, intriguing, and appealing:

  • From a physical standpoint. Chinese girls are stunning – rich midnight-black hair, porcelain skin, gorgeous brown almond-shaped eyes, and beautifully shaped bodies. Fitness is a high priority with a Chinese woman and rarely will you meet one who has let herself “go.”
  • From an intelligence standpoint. You will find that Chinese brides are well-educated, most with university degrees, many in mathematical, scientific, or IT subjects. Chinese girls for marriage come equipped with career-ready skills and talents. Beyond that, they seem to have a built-in wisdom that allows them to analyze situations and find the best outcomes.
  • From a temperament standpoint. When you begin to communicate with Chinese mail order brides online, you will be struck by their calm and pensive nature. They speak softly, avoid drama, and just seem to be at peace with themselves. But they also have a sense of humor and, when highly motivated, will be passionate about anything they are determined to accomplish.
  • From a marriage standpoint. Chinese wives are steadfastly loyal and supportive. Men who choose beautiful Chinese women for marriage will find far more than a pretty face and a great mind. They will have a partner who supports their goals and will be there “for better or worse”. But be mindful that their expectations include you showing that same support and loyalty. Modern Chinese brides still place importance on family too, and will put husbands and children first.
  • From a parenting standpoint. Finding Chinese brides for marriage will mean that any children you have will be nurtured, loved, and given every possible advantage. They will be guided to excel in any activities – sports, music, academics, etc. Your wife from China will take an active role in supporting all of your children’s interests. Also know that men who wed Chinese mail order brides will not have a houseful of children. Chinese women tend to want fewer children than those from other places around the world.

In sum, when you meet and marry your Chinese girlfriend, you are getting an entire package of beauty, brains, wisdom, love, and support.

Shared Success Stories Coming from Chinese Mail Order Bride Sites

Here are just 3 stories that should motivate you to seek Chinese mail order brides.

Bob and Lan“Lan spent a year of study in the US and determined that she would marry an American husband-someone who would value her education, her need for an equal partnership, and her drive to give her children every advantage. She joined a Chinese bride website, and that is where her online romance with Bob began. For his part, Bob knew Lan was the one after a few weeks of online dating. Both had the same dreams and goals which they video chatted about for long periods. Meeting in person was the icing on the cake – marriage was the obvious outcome.”
Dave and Yu Ming“Yu Ming grew up in Henan Province, in a large family of cattle ranchers. The Internet was her window to the Western world, and she was determined to find a Western husband who would value and respect her need for independence and a progressive lifestyle. Joining a Chinese bride website was her solution. Up popped Dave, who was immediately enthralled with her beauty and her strong will. They video chatted for weeks and fell deeply in love. Once her parents met Dave, they were on board. Today, they are living their dream.”
Brian and Yan“Brian became intoxicated with Chinese women as an older teen. And he was determined to marry one of these Asian beauties who was a blend of traditional culture and modern Western views. He met Yan on a Chinese bride platform, and their romance grew as they came to know each other through video chats and live streams. Meeting in Shanghai, where Yan was a tour guide, confirmed what they already knew. They were perfect for one another.”
Tony and Zhi“It was fate, according to Tony. He joined a Chinese bride website hoping to find a wife as his cousin had. Zhi popped up after just a few days of messaging with a couple of other women. As they chatted, it was obvious that she was all he was looking for – a Chinese beauty with modern viewpoints on love and marriage. Zhi felt the same, and soon they met in Shanghai and married. Today they are blissfully living in the States totally enveloped in each other.”

Meeting and Landing that Chinese Mail Order Bride – a How-To

Just how do you find Chinese brides online? Here’s a step-by-step process that works.

Find a Chinese mail order bride site that works for you

There are bunches of sites out there, but some are just scams. Look for those that have large numbers of single Chinese women, that have a great reputation (read the reviews), and that offer the best features and services. Is the site easy to use? Does it offer lots of ways to communicate? Can you filter your searches for better matches? Can you get access to full profiles and photos of single Chinese women you are interested in?

If finding the best site seems like a daunting task, begin with the ones we recommended above. We’ve done the work for you.

Register and create your profile

Registration will be free. Crafting an engaging profile doesn’t have to be hard. There are great examples all over the internet. Read a few and fashion yours based on those. Add interesting photos, not just headshots. Show yourself in action.

Choose the features you want

You’ll have lots of options, and you will purchase them with credits. Do you want email, messaging, video chats, and live-streaming? Do you want to filter your searches? Do you want access to profiles of Chinese brides online that interest you?

Begin your search to find a Chinese wife

Settle in on a few Chinese bride candidates and begin communicating. Get to know them. Begin a process of eliminating them until you are left with the one Chinese woman who has captured your heart.

State your intentions and be clear and honest

Tell her how you feel. Be honest about yourself and what you want. You want to make sure she has the values, goals, and expectations for marriage that you do. Once you are sure she is the one, it’s time to make arrangements for an in-person date – something that will take planning, and we’ll cover all of that for you.

Don’t wait too long before you nail down this potential bride of yours. “Strike while the iron is hot.”

The Cost of Meeting and Marrying a Chinese Wife

If you think you are in this to buy a Chinese woman, think again. Chinese brides are not for sale. They are genuine and looking for a real marriage.

You may encounter a marriage broker or an agency that promises to help you find a Chinese wife, but there will be an upfront cost and no guarantees. Stay away from them. You can find a Chinese wife on reputable Chinese mail-order brides websites, such as those we have recommended.

Are there costs involved? Of course. So, let’s take a look at both online and offline to meet and court Chinese brides.

Online costs

As mentioned earlier, Chinese mail bride sites are not free, except for your registration. From then, you will be looking at features and options and will pay for them in the form of credits to meet Chinese brides and then pursue them.

Chinese mail bride websites do offer credit packages, usually running about $70. These are pretty basic, but check them out and see if one works for you. There are also premium packages that will be more. 

There will be additional features to meet and court Chinese brides that can be purchased on an a la carte basis. Do you want full access to Chinese mail bride profiles and photos? Do you want to send digital or actual gifts? These things are available for a price.

In the end, the costs to meet a Chinese bride and then establish a relationship will be based on individual choices, but a reputable website will be clear and transparent about costs.

Offline costs

Finding your Chinese mail bride is just the first step. Now, you are ready to plan trips to meet in person. Notice that this word is plural. Two trips will be ideal – one to spend intimate time together to be sure and another to solidify your relationship, meet her family, and make your future plans.

Ideally, each trip should be about two weeks long. And if you travel to her home, here are the costs you expect.

  • Travel. You’ll need to check the costs of roundtrip flights to and from your destination in China. These can range from $800 -$1000 depending on your starting and destination cities. Check for deals. Now, you can bring your potential bride to your home, but consider that you want to be with her in her natural environment to understand her more. She may want the same, so perhaps one trip there for you and one trip here for her. Whatever, the travel costs are yours.
  • Accommodations. Costs will vary, but if you stay in a major city like Beijing, they can get pricey – up to $200 per night for a nice hotel. Check Airbnb places – they’ll be cheaper. In smaller towns, hotels and small apartments will be much less.
  • Food. Here, you’ll get a break, because there are small restaurants and street vendors who will whip up delicious meals. But you will want to take your Chinese bride to some nice restaurants for a couple of romantic candlelit meals. Plan on about $60-$75 each for these, again depending on the city.
  • Entertainment. There are plenty of clubs in the larger cities if your love enjoys these. Many have live entertainment and plenty of room for dancing. There will be a charge to get in and then the costs of the drinks. Alcoholic drinks can be a bit pricey.

There are plenty of sightseeing opportunities. Depend on your potential bride to choose the ones that will be most memorable.

Don’t forget more romantic things to do. All Chinese cities and towns have beautiful parks for intimate moonlit walks.

There is some useful information about your second trip. If all goes well and you are ready to marry her, that second trip will involve meeting her family, planning a wedding, and probably that engagement ring. There will also be gifts for her family members.

You’ll have to get that K-1 visa, and $1000 will cover the cost of the application, medical exam, and interview.

As for your wedding plans, Chinese women for marriage vary a lot on their wishes. Some may want a traditional ceremony; others who are more modern and secular may opt for a civil ceremony with only family and a few close friends. And you will probably want something once home with your new bride. 

Are Chinese Women Good Wives?

If you’ve come this far, you know that mail order Chinese brides are in it for the long haul. You know that Chinese wives come to a marriage as a package of beauty, modern style, intelligence, wisdom, and plenty of skills and talents. And you know that Chinese brides for marriage on reputable mail-order sites are genuine and serious about finding a foreign husband.

As wives, Chinese brides will be committed to their husbands and children, juggling their careers, and the household, and seeing to it that husbands have the support they need and the children all of the advantages to pursue their interests and excel academically. At the same time, they can be romantic and loving.

They also come into a marriage with expectations that it will be a strong partnership of equality.

If this is what you are looking for, you will have a lifelong journey of happiness, mutual support, and personal growth.

Success with Chinese Brides – Understand Their Dating Culture

When you meet a Chinese mail order bride online, you are not meeting a traditional Chinese bride. Chinese dating is nothing like it used to be, and you need to understand the 21st-century dating culture of your Chinese mail order bride.

  • Chinese ladies today are not timid or shy. Do not mistake their quiet tone for submissiveness. They are calm and undramatic by nature.
  • A Chinese girl wants to be known for more than her good looks. She wants to be appreciated for her intelligence and her other personality traits.
  • Chinese brides are on mail-order sites because they are seeking a husband. They want honesty and clarity from the men they meet there. Do not play games or be secretive. They will not stick around.
  • Show interest in and some knowledge of her cultural heritage and present-day China. This may require some research on your part, but she will be impressed that you have taken the time to do so.
  • Once you have chosen your Chinese bride and she has chosen you, drop any communication with any other female. She will not tolerate your flirting with another woman and will have no problem walking out of your life if you do this.
  • Gifts are important. They don’t have to be expensive, just memorable. To a Chinese girl, these are important signs of affection and thoughtfulness.
  • Ask her about her family. While modern Chinese women have broken away from many of the old traditions, family is not one of them. And be certain to meet her family when you make that first trip to see her. Take them gifts – that’s part of the old tradition that still lives no matter how modern a young Chinese woman has become.
  • The proposal process is all important too. When you do get to that stage, be sure to make your intentions known to her parents and ask for their approval. Today, this is just a formality, but an important one in her family.
  • Your Chinese bride wants to be a full partner. In your communication with her, be certain to assure her that you consider her an equal and that her goals will be your goals for her too, and have your support.

Of course, this list is subject to modification, because every Chinese girl is an individual. But if you begin dating her with these guidelines, chances are you’ll impress her.

Extra Tips for Dating Chinese Women

  1. Approach her with confidence. It’s not at all common for Chinese ladies to approach men first, so you will need to find a good pickup line that shows your confidence but is not arrogant or cheesy.
  2. Don’t just focus on her looks. Chinese brides will be quickly put off by a man who only notices her beauty and doesn’t pay much attention to her personality or background.
  3. Find an extraordinary idea for your first date. A typical Chinese bride already imagines a beautiful first date, and your idea of the meeting should live up to her expectations.
  4. Get her a nice gift. An easy way to impress your bride is to give her a small but cute gift, such as a teddy bear, a bouquet of flowers, a pendant with her name on it, or tickets to see her favorite band.
  5. Don’t ever suggest splitting the bill. Unlike women in Europe and the US, Chinese brides fully expect men to cover the bill on a date. However, they can sometimes treat you to coffee or ice cream.
  6. Show an interest in her culture. It goes without saying that both Chinese culture and language are incredibly complex, but genuinely trying to master a foreign language and culture will win you some extra points.
  7. Don’t discuss your exes. Your Chinese girl certainly knows that she’s not your first romantic partner, but she doesn’t want to hear either good or bad things about the women who came before.
  8. Charm her friends and family members. Social connections are critical to Chinese brides. They want to get along with everyone and they will be beyond happy when their friends and family approve of their new partner.
  9. Talk about the serious stuff. Among other things, you should discuss your vision of your future family life, family budget, number of children, country of residence, and other important features of marriage.
  10. Introduce her to your family. Nothing will tell your Chinese mail order bride more about your serious intentions than you taking the effort to introduce her to your loved ones.

That’s a Wrap

If you have made it through this guide, you understand that 21st-century Chinese brides are nothing like their traditional counterparts. And you now have the full story of how to meet and “capture” your Chinese mail order wife.

Find the right website to get your Chinese bride, choose the features that will work for you, spend some time with a few of these amazing women, and finally choose the one who has captured your heart. The rest involves your in-person dates, that proposal, and the beginning of your life together.

When you marry a modern Chinese girl, you are in for your best life – guaranteed.